Abyss Ascension Dev Log #1: Thank you!

Hey everyone! It's been about a week since I posted the game, and I wanted to talk a little about my plans for the future.

First of all, I want to thank everyone who's been playing the game, and particular I want to shout out all of the feedback you've been leaving in the comments. It's been really helpful and encouraging throughout this process. When I first uploaded the project, I went into it having an idea of the shortcomings of the game (namely length/difficulty) and hearing that alongside the positivity has been helpful in terms of thinking about where to go next with the game.

As I mention in the description of the project, it's more of a demo/WIP of a game than a full game, and I think at this point I've decided that I'll try to add a bit more to flesh it out. At the very least I have a decent amount of available time this summer, and will try to put out update on a semi consistent basis (maybe at least every two weeks, with maybe minor changes/bugfixes as needed in between).

In terms of the changes, I'd want to incorporate, there's a lot of different direction I could take it. Here's a list of things that I currently have in mind, with the one's that have been called out the most in feedback starred:

  • Difficulty Tuning ★ (Making enemy AI "smarter", tweaking values on health/damage/speed to make the game more challenging)
  • Boss Overhaul ★ (New attacks, different asset? Make the game properly challenging)
  • Upgrade System Tweaks ★ (Make upgrades meaningful and exciting to unlock/use, instead of being "even easier mode")
  • Longer Level Segments
  • New Areas to Explore
  • New Enemy Types
  • New Items/Abilities
  • More Interactable Environment Objects/Secrets (Breakable Walls, Environmental Traps, More Chests)
  • Some Form of Map Randomization (Very excited about this, but also it would be fairly involved)

Obviously these are a lot of different things, and on my own right now, I'm currently trying to figure out what to work on. I also want to ask you all what you think. Are there any of these that you'd want me to prioritize adding? Any specific ideas you'd want to see implemented into the game? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! I'm excited to see where things go next, and I'll be sure to update you all in the future.

To close off, here's something that got left on the cutting floor when working on the game. Maybe it'll be added in a future update to the game? 😉

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